Monday, April 5, 2010

White Trash Blues: Class Privilege v. White Privilege
by Jennifer Kesler

If you read about white privilege, you’re probably sick to death of people playing the “white trash” card in your comments. Their argument usually goes something like this:

“Being white didn’t give me all these privileges you’re talking about.”
“I know plenty of [minority] people who are better off than I am.”
And the advanced version, which I’m guilty of using myself: “It’s really more about class than it’s about race.”

I am “poor white trash”. I can relate to all of the statements above. I grew up looking the part of Average White Girl, but middle class white people always pegged me as “different”. This left me vulnerable to losing opportunities and even jobs to white people who “fit in” better. Also, after my family made its great escape from White Trash Hell into Middle Class Purgatory, I learned to my surprise that there were black kids in the world who’d grown up with more money than I ever had. And so on, and so forth.

Here’s where the confusion comes in. Yes, I have a legitimate grievance against the system. Yes, I’ve lost out on things because I didn’t have the $20 to invest or know the magic social password that would have marked me “normal” (read: “middle class, preferably white”). And yes, it hurts when you don’t fit in with your own race because of your class, and you don’t fit in with your class because of your race. It’s hard to see privilege around that stuff, but the examples are out there.

Wealth gets you a ticket, but it doesn’t guarantee you a seat

One of the black kids I went to school with whose family was richer than mine? We discovered we’d given identical answers on a test, and she’d gotten some of them marked wrong while I got 100%. When we examined her other papers, we realized the teacher had been doing this for some time: “giving” the black girl a lesser grade. And one of the Jewish girls I knew whose family was richer than mine? When she was absent for a Jewish holiday and missed a test, one of her teachers decided to teach her a lesson by refusing to let her make up that test anytime but on a Saturday – the Jewish sabbath. The teacher offered truly pathetic excuses why after school, during lunch and during the girl’s study period wouldn’t work. Sunday wouldn’t work because it was the teacher’s Christian sabbath! The girl’s mother had to call the principal and threaten to bring the ACLU into it before she got a proper time slot to retake the test.

I’ve never been pulled over for “looking like you’re out of your neighborhood” (unless you count the time I was lost in a snotty part of Beverly Hills in an American car, gasp!). I’m not nearly as likely to get pulled over for traffic violations as black or Latino people, even if they grew up with more money than I did. Taking things a step further, I’ve never felt pressured to join a gang just to survive. I’ve never worried I’m going to get shot in my own neighborhood (and I’ve lived in some neighborhoods the white middle class considers “bad”).

That white skin would get you a seat, if only you had a ticket

My approach is to look at all the types of privilege that affect an individual. Take me, for example. I have white privilege and heterosexual privilege and able-bodied privilege working for me; I have class privilege and male privilege working against me. In the case of poor whites, the class privilege often takes more from them than the white privilege gives them (i.e., the college admissions board prefer my skin color, but if I can’t somehow pay tuition, I’m not getting in). In my personal experience, white privilege may be a total bust, and I have the right to feel that way: I do not have the right to muddy a discussion of white privilege with all my anti-privileges. But before I learned to separate the types of privilege, I’m afraid I probably did that once or twice. Not in the “minorities have it so easy” tone that marks one type of troll; I just couldn’t figure out which part of this stuff I wasn’t getting.

Not a credit to our race

I will probably write a whole article on this someday, but I’ll leave you with one last point to consider. In my experience, poor whites are one group of people that even PC folks think it’s okay to take potshots at. Make a “dumb blonde” joke, and someone sooner or later will call you on your sexism; make a “you know you’re a redneck when…” joke, and chances are everyone will take it as good clean fun. This is something that makes me generally distrustful of the supposedly “progressive” thinkers out there, and I assume it affects other poor whites similarly. See, we’re an embarrassment to the white race. We’re proof that whites are not invulnerable to the repressions they’ve visited on other races. So we’re taught to keep quiet. On one level, we know we shouldn’t take that crap. On the other hand, experience has taught us if we take a stand, we’ll stand alone. I don’t know how many times I’ve endured jokes about my home state when a potential new friend asks me where I’m from. And if you know me, you know I’d never let an insult to my gender go by without comment.

And if we have an accent of any sort – many of us do, since by definition it’s the higher classes who get the privilege of their accent being declared “no accent” – we’re supposed to put up with being made fun of and/or being fetishized. Or being expected to change it, if we’re “serious” about getting certain jobs or promotions. We’re vulnerable to class assumptions that we’re ill-educated, lazy, immoral or even criminally perverse (only in redneck jokes is incest somehow a topic for humor!).

While these points still aren’t germane to a topic about white privilege, I’ve seen them get dismissed in discussions about privilege and bigotry in general, and in those cases they are relevant. Hopefully, something in this will help someone weed out trolls and/or communicate more effectively with sincere poor whites who mistake a lack of class privilege for a lack of white privilege.


  1. Very interesting post and I really like the way the author writes. It keeps you interested and wanting to read more, (although it took me a minute or two to decide where she was coming from!). I too have white privilege and did not grow up in a wealthy home so I completely identify with this post because in the first couple of these classes, it took me awhile to get my head around the fact that I had so many privileges when not being wealthy and growing up in the circumstances I did made me feel like I was definitely not privileged. When I didn't feel privileged growing up and even looking back on it, it was originally difficult to grasp white privilege. Luckily through this class I now understand it.

  2. Diana! Amazing find... I was instantly attracted to this post because it pretty much describes my childhood. And it made me think of this. As I am graduating in May, and this is not to toot my own horn so please no one take it like that, I have been invited to join over a half dozen Honors Society. Each invitation I have received is praising my "academic excellence" apparently I'm in the top 10% of the class... anyway, ALL of them cost money to join... so do only the kids with money get to be Honors Society members, the whole idea of it disgusts me so I will not be joining any of them...

  3. Wow, I really enjoyed reading this article and the lens and the perspective she shares in regards to privilege is brilliant and at a level that many many people should be able to relate to and identify and understand. I think this concept of varying privileges is really hard to grasp for most, myself included sometimes. Jarica, I appreciate your comments about the privilege to sign up for the various honor societies and the need to have the privilege to have economic privilege to sign up. My friends and I were just talking about this over the weekend. I too have had the same experience currently. I feel as though I would like to be able to be proud of my "excellence" and show it off but I really can not afford or justify the eliteness that excludes people from joining due to the cost. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this and a very good example of privilege.

  4. Jarica and Heather - very good points. I'm afraid I did not think of it quite that way earlier. Although I was upset about having to pay the money, I did end up doing so for just one of them. Now I feel a little like I was not being supportive. Maybe since I have already joined I can use that to provide a forum for this precise issue. I debated over and over whether or not to spend the money and the only reason I did was because I let them convince me it would look good on my resume or any application for graduate school and since I don't have other outside activities I thought it would help. When the opportunity presents itself - I will be sure to advocate for this issue. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I totally understand and get what you are saying. The stereotyping that goes with different races is evident. My husband has been a victim based on his color and accent. Even talking over the phone to anybody, if a person is not used to hearing a thick accent they cannot understand what he is saying and people tend to be demeaning to him and talk down whereas when I talk to the same person they are helpful and understanding. I think we sometimes do it too when we talk to a foreigner we tend to talk slower and loud thinking they understand us. We need to remember that our accent can be just as hard to understand and has nothing to do with economic class.

  6. I like the way this article articulated the way oppression is often recognized far before privilege is. Disadvantages are usually obvious and hurtful. Oppression, therefore, is commonly recognized for limiting our opportunities and remembered for limiting our societal success. Privilege, however, is often hidden. It is easier to overlook the advantages which lead to success than oppression which has limited growth.

  7. Haha! This may very well be the best thing I've read in a while. I felt it was very nicely written and I have dealt everything that was touched on and have never known how to put it. I agree with it and it makes me less frustrated. Diana, I find I respect you greatly and I think you are an asset to the social work profession-even though you didn't write it you found it and it explains a lot about you.

  8. Cindy, a piece of advice... You can write on your resume "nominated for ...." or "invitee to...." and this way you are able to showcase that you were invited. Also if anyone ever asks you about it you have a really great story about why you didn't join...

  9. Thank you Jarica. I really had no idea and wondered why if they were inviting you to participate in something, they were also charging you.

  10. I really enjoyed reading this post! Growing up poor myself I could identify with many of the issues put up for discussion, I also grew up in a very very small town where there was no where to hide everyone knew everybody and their situaltions and it is true how just small things like grades on tests given to more afluent students who didn't produce half the work were not even given a second thought. There are so many degrees of privilage going on at the same time it was really good to read an artical that gave good examples of how oppression occurs at all levels of privilage.

  11. good choice diana. this article really highlighted the difference between class privilege and white privilege....i think they are often times confused because they tend to overlap; however, they can be separate entities that have a profound effect on the way an individual is perceived by others and how they perceive others based on the "looking glass" self concept. it actually reminds me of some of the things my mom has mentioned experiencing during her childhood. she grew up in rural virginia and there was many different types of prejudices present. she always tells the story about how she was one of the only white kids at her middle school and how she was basically involved in some sort of physical altercation everyday after school. She has also said that because she was white, the black students assumed she thought she was better than them. This was not true; after one specific fight she became best friends with the black girl that had thrown down with her. I find it interesting that even in the "white trash" category, being white trash is better than being colored trash.

  12. Great post! Very in depth, nice perspective
